Patients often believe their back is in good shape, until we show them their X-rays. When they find out they have a spinal misalignment, the first question is usually “How did this happen?”, especially if there is no obvious injury, such as a fall or accident.
Types of Stress
We typically see three main causes of these issues, all of which create traumas:
- Physical pressure or injuries, such as falls/accidents and sports injuries
- Emotional stress, evidenced by tight muscles or hunched shoulders, and difficulty sleeping
- Postural stress can lead to an increased load on discs and joints that can cause your spine to age prematurely and increase pain and discomfort over time
There are two types of traumas—macro and micro. Macrotraumas are those big injuries that may change the shape of the ligaments and support structure of the spine. Microtraumas often occur without us realizing anything is wrong until pain signals are received. Examples of microtraumas are postural changes in response to pain, sitting at your desk too long, or even a lack of physical activity.
Breaking the Cycle
It’s just as important to break the habits that led to your problem, as it is to correct the issue with an adjustment. Physical changes may include implementing a 3-breaks-per-day strategy to get up and move, throwing in some exercises, changing your posture, and checking your sleeping position as ways to keep your spine healthy. Emotional stress may affect posture; yoga and meditation are great stress relievers.
Developmental problems are often hidden, appearing to come out of nowhere. Scoliosis, children favoring one side over the other, or walking unbalanced because of an injury or pain, may all cause microtraumas. Fixing the spines of kids and teens is much easier than correcting an adult who has had issues for years. That’s why regular checkups are so important for your children.
Don’t Wait for the Pain
Pain is one of the last indicators of a problem, so it’s important to pay attention to your body’s signals and get regular adjustments. Contact your Winnipeg Chiropractors today to schedule, and be sure to check out The Healthy Commute podcast for more information!