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What Are the 5 Predictors for Pain?

Neck pain at the deskYour spine plays a critical role in your overall health and well-being. It is responsible for supporting your body’s weight, protecting your nervous system, and allowing you to move freely.

However, several factors can impact the health of your spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and disability.

#1. Posture or Postural Shifts

Posture is a crucial component of spinal health. When your spine is aligned correctly, the weight is distributed evenly, reducing the risk of pain and breakdown. However, poor posture can lead to spinal pain, disability, and even arthritis in the joints. You can compare posture to a house; if the foundation is weak, the structure will break down over time.

What to do: Correct your posture or shift it to a better position. Make sure your head is sitting over your shoulders, your shoulders are over your pelvis, and your pelvis is over your knees and ankles. Also, take breaks throughout the day and move your body.

#2. Immobility

The joints in your body are designed to move, and movement helps lubricate them, keeping them healthy and functional. Lack of movement can lead to subluxations, stiffening, and degeneration, causing pain and discomfort. Inactivity can compound the issue, making it exponentially worse.

What to do: Incorporate movement into your daily routine. Try to get up and move every 30-45 minutes, whether it’s walking, stretching, or doing exercises. Make movement part of your day, and avoid being sedentary.

#3. Injuries

Injuries can impact both movement and posture, limiting joint mobility and shifting the spine’s alignment. If left untreated, injuries can speed up breakdown and degeneration, leading to disability and chronic pain. Car accidents, sporting injuries, and falls can all cause damage to your spine.

What to do: If you experience an injury, see your chiropractor as soon as possible. Ideally, you should be checked within the first week. Even if the injury occurred in the past, and you experienced an accident with speeds above 20 km/h, it’s not too late to get checked.

#4. Tight Muscles

Tight muscles are the body’s way of protecting you from further injury. However, this protection can lead to stiffness and pain, particularly in the neck and back. If left untreated, the tightness can further limit your range of motion, causing more pain and discomfort.

What to do: Simply get up and stretch and move more.

#5. Nutrition

Nutrition plays a crucial role in our overall health, and it is particularly important in managing inflammation in the body. Inflammation can occur due to a diet high in processed fats, meats, and sugars, as well as white starchy content. These foods can increase inflammation levels, leading to pain and discomfort throughout the body.

What to do: First and foremost, hydration is key. Drinking more water can help flush out toxins and reduce inflammation levels. Additionally, taking supplements like Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils) and vitamin D can help balance out inflammatory markers in the body.

Eating whole foods is also essential. Aim to eat as many real, non-packaged foods as possible, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. By avoiding processed foods and limiting your sugar intake, you can improve your overall health and reduce inflammation levels in the body.

Book an Appointment

As chiropractic care is one of the best ways to keep your spine in tip-top shape, schedule an appointment today with your Winnipeg Chiropractor. And check out our doctors’ The Healthy Commute podcast to learn more!

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